From a student to A MemberElisha Meshack Mnyangowi
Helo Everyone, my name is Elisha Meshack, am 24 years old a member of Swahili Art Group, my art name is Lishy. I would like to share with you my testimony about art carrier since I joined Swahili Art Group.
I remember 2017, is when I found that I have a talent but did not understand where to start the art journey …while my family dependedon me. And day by day life went on, things changed. Then later 2018 on Thursday I remember walking around town and I found myself in place where there is outdoor gallery and professional artists there.
So I decided to join the group which is called Swahili Art Group, started as a student, I was taught from the scratch, sketching and all art procedures.
I learned different styles and techniques that helped me to find my inspiration and discover my own artist style.
Also I was taught how to run the business, like to have a budget before and expenditure, run a good cash analysis and any other financial practice that help me to manage the finance part of business. Also I have been given a chance to paint and display my paints and spread the message to the people and society.
And the good thing is now I am able to paint a high quality and good details paints. And get benefits from the group by being a member of the group to sell my paintings, and the money that I get I provide for sibblings and family.